Increase opportunities for regular participation

Our grassroots cricket programmes provide free, year-round opportunities for sports activity to those who, through disability or disadvantage, often have few. Our kit recycling programme does the same through provision of kit and equipment. We know activity is good for physical and mental health and our inclusive programmes encourage those who can often fall outside of typical sports programmes, to take part and succeed. 

Our programmes also encourage those from marginalised groups to take part – girls, young carers, those living with physical and learning disabilities, refugees and those excluded from school. Central to our programmes is cricket activity but this is just the vehicle for teaching young people to value an active lifestyle and make healthy life choices well into their futures. 

Young people from disadvantaged communities are far less likely to engage in regular activity.
Sport England Active Lives Children’s Survey

In the UK only 18% of young people with disabilities, and fewer girls than boys, regularly take part in sport, partly due to a lack of opportunity.
Activity Alliance


Meet Siya

Table Cricket in Lancashire

Wicketz in Crawley

key impact

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*In the year 1 October 2019 – 30 September 2020
** In the six months 1 October 2019 – 17 March 2020
***Data collected pre-covid